Become a Member

WPSF is open to all for becoming its part through its different wings of sports and region. The Country, Sub-continental, Continental and Oceans Continental committees are forming with the approval of WPSF headquarters. Any National Level sporting club, any national multi Sports organization, sporting association, sporting federation can become WPSF member.

  • Any club, association or federation that puts down a request to be admitted must prove its concerns with national and democratic sports club or association federation of a country recognized as member of the united nations (UN).
  • Membership Benefits : All of the members will be given preference in the international Tournament, Championship to perform. They will be also given chance to participate in the Annual General Meeting (AGM), take part in the election for Executive Committee.

Types of Memberships

There are different types of membership

  • Full Membership :- The full member has voting right.
  • Associated Membership :- The associated member has no voting right.

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